Brain Quiz-Are you a righty or a lefty?

Check off all of the statements that apply to you.
When I get a new CD, I read the notes about the band. When I get a new CD, I look at the cover design.
I'd rather figure out a math problem than write a poem. I'd rather paint a picture than complete a science experiment.
If I fight with a friend, I write about it to figure out what I should do. If I fight with a friend, I do something that makes me feel better, like eat chocolate.
My room is usually neat and organized. My room is usually a disaster area.
I like playing team sports like basketball and volleyball.   I like solo sports like running or biking.
Before I write a paper, I outline my ideas. When I write a paper, I just start writing and see what happens.
I wear whatever is in style at the moment.     I wear whatever I feel like wearing at the moment.
I listen to popular bands and whatever is popular on the radio stations. I listen to older music or whatever I'm in the mood for.
Whenever I meet new people, I remember their names. When I meet new people, I remember what they're wearing.
I like being organized and planning ahead. I like going with the flow.
I'm usually on time. I'm usually late.
I make my bed almost every day. I make my bed when I feel like it.
I sing along to music if I know the words. When I listen to music, I move with the beat.
I enjoy organizing parties and gatherings. I usually go along with something somebody else has planned.
If  I had a diary, I'd write in it every night. If I had a diary, I'd write in it when I had free time.
I remember all of my friend's birthdays. I remember all of my friend's favorite colors.
When I watch TV, I find out what's on, and then decide what to watch. When I watch TV, I channel surf until I find something I like.
My notebooks are color coded and neat. My notebooks are a showcase of doodles and barely legible notes.
My clothes are mostly solid colors or outfits that are one print. My outfits are a mixture of colors, prints, and styles.
I eat healthy food because it's good for me. I eat some healthy food and some junk food, it just depends what kind of mood I'm in.
When I excercise, I have a set routine to follow. When I excercise, I usually work on whatever part feels flabby.
If I had a bad hair day, I'd wear a hat. If I had a bad hair day, I'd point it out to my friends.
My friends think I'm a little neurotic. My friends think I'm a little scatterbrained.

Now score yourself:
More checks on the left side means you're a left-brainer!
More checks on the right side means you're a right-brainer!
Read on to find out more

-Being a lefty means being a thinker, a talker, and a planner.You know how to analyze situations and make clear decisions based on what you think. People seek you out for advice because you have a  level head. Teachers love you because you remember answers and are good at memorizing.
-The downside of being a strict lefty is being a little too regimented. You might be a bit too structured for some people, and that can get you into trouble. Left brainers tend to talk too much because they spend so much time trying to explain themselves. They're too caught up in the tiny details of things to see the whole picture.
-Being a righty means being creative, spontaneous, and sometimes even scatterbrained. You're a feeler, so most of what you think and do is based on how it makes you feel. Right-brainers are impulsive and easygoing. They're visually oriented which means that they see the big picture before they think about the little things that make up the big picture.
-The problem with righties always "feeling" and "doing" is that they may not do enough thinking. There are always rules to be followed and sometimes righties forget about that. They're easily distratcted and can have a hard time focusing on jobs that require lots of planning or organization.
If you are an even mix of the two sides, don't worry. Most people are a little of both. The goal is to use both halves of your brain. The most creative and successful people are a good combination of the two. As Socrates once said, "Knowing yourself lets you capitalize on your strengths and minimize your weaknesses."